Thursday, April 4, 2013

Week 11
Parenting is a great experience but also a very challenging one. I liked learning about how to discipline children. My parents disciplined me in many different ways and I never thought once that they didn’t love me because of what they were doing. Sometimes it made me mad and I didn’t want to be grounded or spanked as a little kid but I’m glad my parents loved me enough to discipline me so that I could end up being the responsible person I am today. I will discipline just as my parents did to make sure that I steer my kids in the right direction of life.
Week 10  Fathers with Finances

I learned a lot this week about how the father has more of a responsibility than just providing for his family. Getting a good job and making money is very important part of the father’s role but he needs to make sure that he is also part of the household too. My father was a very hard worker and he taught me a tremendous amount about working hard to make sure that my kids will have a future just like I did. Problems with money can lead to tension in the home and if us fathers work hard to make sure that our family are always provided for it will be one less tension or roadblock in the home.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Week 9
This week I learned a lot about communication. I enjoyed learning about how the brethren the the church make decisions. I feel that if we can use the same process within our families and marriages than we can have successful marriages and families. The counseling method is such a great tool and I look forward to using it.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Week 1

In the first week of class I really enjoyed the article by having a family and how many kids to have. Growing up I loved having all of my brothers and sisters around. I learned many lessons by interacting with my brothers and sisters. I feel that I get along with people and understand people better because I grew up with many siblings. The general trend is to have less and less kids but is this right thing to do. I feel that we should take on the challenge of having kids with a smile and remember that each one is a gift and blessing from heaven. If kids are a gift and a blessing then why wouldn’t people want them in their lives? I want to have 3-4 kids when I get married because I want to show the love that my parents showed me and pass it on to my kids.

Week 2

Today in class I liked learning about how family counseling is better that individual counseling. I agree with that when individual seek help they usually talk to the wrong person. I feel like when I talk to my friends about my relationship it always turns into just complaining about my girlfriend. It like my friends loves to light my torch. Now when I have an issue with something I'm just going to go straight to her and talk about the issue. I feel that with the media you always see people talking to your friends and it just seems easier to talk to your friends but in order to resolve the conflict the right way we need to go talk to our spouses and our spouses only and resolve the issue between us two.

Week 3

I like how we talked about same sex parenting in class. I feel that I could have not grown up without my mom or my father figure. My mom and dad played such different roles and I could not imagine a female playing in the father position or a male playing in the mother position. My mom raised me for the most part but my dad taught me many lessons that I only think I could have learned from a male. I had a good relationship with both my mother and my father and I know I wouldn't be the same without both of them playing their role in my family. The family is ordained of God and it needs both a mother and a father to bring the children up the way God would want his children to be raised. I disagree that same sex parenting is better or even the same as the traditional parenting method.

Week 4

I learned much about same sex attraction this week. I feel like I better understand it now and I know what to do to help people I know overcome it. I always wondered what the first step in becoming homosexual was and when I heard that when people are abused or molested that after that they feel like they are gay because of the actions of others. Same sex attraction is wrong but we all need to realize that it is growing and not push these people out of our lives but better that we take them in and help them see that they are not born this way and that they can change.

Week 5

Hanging out, Hooking Up and Celestial Marriage was so true. There are many trends of bad dating in today’s society and I now see which ones are wrong and why they are wrong. I even saw all of the things that I did wrong in my dating process and that I am still doing wrong and this article and week’s lesson has helped me learn how to change my dating experience to make sure it leads to a Celestial Marriage. I know that dates have to be planned and that the reason that they have to be planned is to make sure that the date is fun and safe for both people. When we plan dates we get better at keeping commitments and it shows the girl that we really are interested in her and care about her well being. I’m glad I learned how to date before I as to far into my dating life and look forward to all the blessings of dating the way God would want us to.

Week 6

In class this week I enjoyed learning about the new marriage trends in the United States. I see people getting married all the time but I never knew if these people were with the normal marriage curve in the United States or not. The graph where it shows the marriage rates over that last 100 years surprised me, our country is marrying a lot less than what they use to. When I saw this I tried to think to myself why and I came to the conclusion that young adults don’t have the desire to grow up anymore. All of my friends from high school are not of the LDS faith and when I ask them about getting married they think it’s crazy that were even talking about getting married because we are still kids. My friends are not bad people, they just don’t see the need for a girl to be in their life right now and they don’t see the need to get married. They all say someday they plan on getting married but that will come after college and after they get done have fun and being young. I think that many young adults aren’t ready to give up their party days and lives and commit to marriage and this is why less and less people are getting married.

Week 7

Marital intimacy is a great thing between husband and wife. It brings them together and helps the marriage. I learned more about that this week than I have in the rest of my life. I always knew it was to be between a husband and a wife and I never questioned that but now I feel that I better know why the Lord has instructed us to keep it that way. I felt a little awkward talking about this in front of the class but I know that it’s not something that you should be embarrassed of when you are doing it with your spouse. The Lord give us intimacy to help bring two people together as husband and wife and I think that is another great blessing of being married. Having a family is very important and marital intimacy is just a part of it.

Week 8

A family crisis sometimes makes the world seem like it is coming to an end. When something happens to your family I think it hurts so much because it is happening to the people that you love the most. When you see these people suffer you feel bad for them and you want to help them I think when something goes wrong in your family, it is a great time to show your love and to make your love for your family stronger. My dad always told me that there is always two ways you can handle something, you can blow it out of proportion and make it worse for everyone or you can just suck it up and deal with the problem. I feel that we need to take family crisis and make the best we can out of them. I know it’s not going to be fun but we need to help our family get through them and let them strengthen our family’s relationship.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Dayna Emily Dobbins
Casey Yang